
From 1000 people in 2016 to 15,000+ in 2023. The growth of Round Rock Diwali Festival has been exponential.
This year we expect way more people attending the festival hence we are expanding it to larger area. The rave reviews and love to the festival can be seen in media all over. The festival is featured on
Austin American Statesman,
CBS Austin,
FOX News,
American Dream TV , Telemundo and many other media outlets.
With help of City of Round Rock, we will reach out to more than 100,000 people with various channels of promotion. Your business will be advertised in the website www.rrdiwalifest.com for full year and will also find place in the Facebook event which is a coveted event in the community.
You will have options to put a banner in the event site and also on the stage.
Your business will be mentioned during performances. We are also giving option to announce some special topic about your business on the event.

Though the festival is related to culture of India, around 30% of crowd who attend the event is non-Indian. This gives broader exposure to your business.

Special sponsorship opportunities - 1 GRAND sponsor and 2 PLATINUM sponsors.
Sponsorship is tax deductible under 501(c)3.

Quick Intro of the Festival
Laser Light Show with Sponsors name
CBS Austin

General Sponsorship

Options $300 $500 $1000 $1500
Your logo on the website for a year + One Social Media promotion
Placement, size will be proportionate to the size of sponsorship.
Multiple promotion on Facebook and other social media. Inclusion of your business on main banners and posters
Content to be provided by you, we can help. Frequency will depend on relevance.
Announcement in-between performances of your support and generosity in the event.
Space for keeping business flyers on the main check-in booth
10 x 10 space for showcasing your business and attracting potential customers. You will be called upon stage with chief guest.
You can do promotional giveaways. If you plan to do raffle, please discuss
Display your banners on prominent spots and multiple places throughout the festival ground.
With 15000 people attending the event, Gold sponsors will have an edge

Platinum Sponsorship (limited)

In-Kind: directly sponsor the activities

• Gift cards to the competition winners – Rangoli, Singing, Dance - this will promote your business multiple times as sponsor of the event and prizes. The event and competition will give direct impression of your business

• Videography and/or photography etc.

GRAND Sponsorship:

This spot is reserved for only one businesses. You get chance to present a gift on behalf of your business to the honorable guest and get a prominent spot to put your banner.

All above + Special Banner placement – Direct view of the audience, also gets into the pictures, videos taken - contact us for pricing